Between Love & Betrayal by Mary Clancy was published February 2022 by Poolbeg Press and is described as ‘a saga spanning the lives of five women struggling to find their place in the world.’ This is Mary Clancy’s second book following The Blue Washing Bag which was published in 2020. I am delighted to bring you all an extract from Between Love & Betrayal today, with an introduction from Mary herself. Below you will also find details about the book, including the all important purchase link.
“It’s a story of what happens when life unexpectedly throws people together — the powerful encounters and human devotion that can ensue between strangers. The book explores these issues through the characters of Connie Stapleton, an Irish exile, Lucrezia Romano, an Italian student, Aggie Foley and Norah Gorman, best friends, and an American whirlwind Darlene Taylor, who moves to Ballygore with her new husband, Julian, the local vet. The book focuses on the place of women amidst the power struggles of Irish society back in the day.” – Mary Clancy

[ About Love & Betrayal ]
When Lucrezia Romano strides into the hotel in London where Connie Stapleton works, she steals her heart on the spot and, amongst artists and free spirits, the two lovers become enmeshed in a covert world.
Moving to New York, their plans for a life together are soon thwarted as the Wall Street Crash rips the economy apart. Penniless, Connie convinces Lucrezia to return to Italy temporarily while she herself goes back to support her young sister in Ireland.
As WWII rages through Europe contact between the two diminishes. Will their love survive the years ahead?
A loud-mouthed New Yorker, Darlene Taylor, arrives in town. She meets fun-loving teen Agnes Foley, whose best friend Norah Gorman is earmarked by her family to enter a convent. All three become caught up in Connie’s life. Darlene and Norah, however, find themselves struggling against dark forces in their own lives.
The resilience of the heart is tested, alongside the power of true friendship as the unimaginable occurs. Through love, betrayal and sacrifice, a new world unfolds.
[ Extract ]
Chapter 3
The Neapolitan Rebel 1926
Lucrezia Elena Romano, a confident eighteen-year-old Italian arrived in West London in August 1926, having skilfully avoided the advances of a balding tenor from the northern city of Bologna. Arriving by boat from Naples, she was relieved to be free from the annoying chaperone who had been hired to deliver her to the door of her boarding house. On her departure, her father Abramo had wasted no time in booking his return passage to Chicago. Back to the architectural project he had abandoned when summoned home to Naples to deal with his wayward daughter.
Having been introduced by her aunts to the tenor from Bologna, Lucrezia had told her father in no uncertain terms that she was having none of it, insisting that the tenor had been pompous and arrogant, full of himself, rude. Relaying the event to her father, she had demonstrated for him, arms flailing, mimicking the Bolognan’s reaction towards her when she had politely told him that she would not be party to any arrangements concerning her, made without her express consent.
She had rejected the tenor’s advances which made her feel most uncomfortable, once alerted to the quickening pace of his breathing when he caught her off guard, moving close to her, much too close. Close enough for her to smell the pungent garlic from his breath. She told her father that the sound of the tenor’s heavy breathing had alarmed her, forcing her to back up against the wall. She had pleaded with Abramo, her voice animated and high- pitched.
“Papa, you should have been here. He was furious with me. More than furious. His nose was twitching, and I could barely understand a word he was saying, he was speaking so fast. He said he had travelled all the way south to Naples, to meet a stupid, silly girl, who showed no appreciation of his talent, never mind be grateful for his expression of interest.” Lucrezia insisted that the belligerent tenor would have punched her straight into the face, only that she was in her own home, with her aunts listening in the next room.
“Papa, he stormed out of the house – shouting insults back at Auntie Rosa and Fiorella. They were shouting back at him, cursing, and they were fuming with me. Fiorella was by far the worst. You should have seen her face. She called me a disrespectful stronza! She said I have every one of my mother’s ways. Rosa shouted at me too.
She said that they had full control over me while you were away and, if I didn’t do as they said, they had every right to punish me in your absence. And my brother Roberto was no better.”
“I trust you advised your aunts otherwise,” her father said, trying to keep his temper under control.
Between Love & Betrayal ~ Purchase Link

[ Bio ]
Mary Clancy comes from Tipperary Town in Ireland. She lives in Kildare with her family, having enjoyed many years working as a social worker in child protection and fostering.
She writes Irish Historical fiction, stories of old Ireland and the repercussions of secrets and lies on future generations. Mary writes about the every day lives of ordinary people in rural Ireland from the 1940’s to the 198O’s.
X ~ @MaryBAClancy1