A daring young woman takes her brother’s place to risk her life in New York City.

[ About Grace of the Empire State ]
As the Great Depression bites, show dancer Grace’s Irish immigrant family can’t afford the rising rents, nor the medicine that her little sister urgently needs. When her twin brother is injured and can no longer work on the construction of the half-built Empire State Building, Grace steps up – literally. She trades her dancing shoes for worker boots, braving deadly metal work hundreds of feet in the sky.
But survival isn’t guaranteed. Failure could mean not only losing her job, but also her life, and the livelihood of her family and team. Sparks fly across the great metal beams, as a terrible accident and a split-second decision leaves Grace re-evaluating everything that she thought she knew about herself…
[ My Review ]
Grace of the Empire State by Gemma Tizzard publishes January 28th with Headline Review and is described as ‘a breathtaking historical novel…set against the backdrop of a city at a crossroads, this electrifying story is full of heart and hope, family and friendship, and the sacrifices we make for those we love.’
Having a degree in American Studies inspired Gemma Tizzard to write a story, although fictional, of a young woman who would strive and succeed to undertake the unimaginable. This woman was from an Irish immigrant family and her name was Grace O’Connell. The Great Depression left many families almost destitute but Grace’s father had always provided well for his wife and children. Unfortunately tragedy struck when he was killed in an accident leaving the family financially crippled. Grace and her twin brother Patrick would become the main breadwinners while their mother looked after their sick younger sister Connie.
Grace was a dancer, with ambition to take to the bigger stages but for now she dances in a club while Patrick works on the construction of The Empire State Building. Grace and Patrick have a fractious relationship as he doesn’t agree with the late hours she keeps but Grace misses her father terribly and the late partying and socialising distracts her from the reality of her situation.
When Grace is laid off she is terrified of what her future will hold but her world is thrown completely into disarray when Patrick is injured. Now, with neither working, a dangerous idea takes fruition. Grace and Patrick are almost identical and, with her agility and balance, a plan is concocted that just might work. Grace swaps her dancing shoes for hob nail boots and, risking life and limb, she transforms into Patrick, joining his crew (with their knowledge) on the site. The risk is enormous but Connie needs medicine and the family need money to pay the rent. Can Grace pull off this daring and extremely dangerous role?
Gemma Tizzard takes the reader on an extraordinary adventure from the clubs and taxi dances of the 1930s up into the heights of the New York skyline. Grace O’Connell is a wonderfully depicted young woman. She has courage in abundance and a heart of gold. The nature of the construction work is intense with descriptions that gave me a small bit of insight into the danger of the work and what it must have been like for the partners and families of these men on a daily basis wondering if they would come home. At approximately 1,250-feet tall The Empire State Building was the tallest structure in the world until the 1970s. Gemma Tizzard describes it in her Author’s Note as a building that ‘was seen as a beacon of hope for the struggling city.’ The sheer immensity of the project must surely have been daunting and through Grace, Patrick and their friends we get a real sense of time and place.
Grace of the Empire State is a story of resilience highlighting how, in the face of adversity, the human spirit can triumph. Grace faces personal hardship and societal struggles, but she never loses her sense of empathy and kindness. Gemma Tizzard encourages her readers to become invested in Grace’s journey, which adds a very authentic layer to the story. A very engaging novel Grace of the Empire State is packed full of warmth and inspiration, with some very tense moments. It is a compelling tale exploring family dynamics, relationships, love, regret and joy. A scintillating read, Grace of the Empire State is a treat for all historical fiction fans.
*Thank you to Headline Review and NetGalley for an advance copy of Grace of the Empire State in exchange for my honest review

[ Bio ]
Gemma Tizzard has a degree in American Studies, with a particular interest in twentieth century American history and untold women’s stories. From Berkshire, she now lives in Southampton, where she works as a marketing manager. She also writes romantic comedies and was longlisted for the 2021 and 2022 Comedy Women in Print (CWIP) Unpublished Novel Prize. Grace of the Empire State is her first historical novel.
Keep up with Gemma Tizzard on Instagram ~ @gemma_tizzard.