Today I am delighted to join author M. Jonathan Lee on tour with his latest novel Broken Branches.
Just published by Hideaway Fall, Broken Branches deals with issues of grief and depression and is described as an ‘intriguing, intelligently written novel which ends with a heart-stopping twist!’
Today I have a guest post from the author which introduces the reader to the main protagonist of the novel, Ian Perkins, as he comes to terms with a tragedy in his family, with a few tips for aspiring writers also included.
I do hope you enjoy….
Firstly here is the all important book info:
Following the tragic death of Stuart Perkins, his younger brother Ian moves into the family home with his wife and young son.
Grief and loss hang heavy over the house and Stuart’s death has prompted Ian to delve into the rumours of a mysterious family curse which has allegedly been the cause of several tragedies in the Perkins family history.
Ian becomes consumed with his research and is determined to uncover the truth before it’s too late.
Broken Branches by M Jonathan Lee is out now
Purchase Link ~ Broken Branches

Introducing the protagonist of Broken Branches to readers
– with discussion for aspiring writers
by M. Jonathan Lee
I’m delighted to introduce to you to Ian Perkins, the main character in my new novel, Broken Branches. I have to tell you firstly, that I really like Ian. Almost instantly, he is thrust into a difficult situation, in making the decision to move back to his childhood home which he has inherited following the tragic death of his brother.
We therefore meet him in a period of grief – in a situation where his marriage is crumbling around him. Ian is a family man, in his late thirties with one son, three-year-old Harry. The thought of his marriage failing is the one thing that he cannot allow to happen. He was shunned by his own family in his teenage years, and has got to where he is in life based on his own efforts. This isn’t something he will give up on easily.
In an attempt to save his marriage, Ian begins to research his family history and the supposed curse that he has heard about from time to time in hushed whispers. Ever-methodical, Ian decides that his research will hold the key to a happy ending. When his wife and son leave for a few days, things begin to get quickly out of control, culminating with the discovery of a family member who can finally confirm conclusively the numerous mysteries within the Perkins family.
I am fortunate that I find writing characters very easy.
Usually my characters are a cake baked with three or four ingredients. These are the main driving personality traits. The traits are usually based on something I have picked up from other people (whether a comment by a stranger in the street or someone I know well) and therefore I simply picture myself conversing with them.
I find that showing traits by actions however seemingly insignificant works far better than narrative. Obviously though, the narrative must be consistent with the character’s actions.

About the Author:
M Jonathan Lee is based in Yorkshire and is the author of several award-nominated novels. He began writing seriously in 2006 shortly after the suicide of his brother, Simon, who had been struggling with depression. Jonathan is a tireless campaigner for mental health awareness.
He has written for Mind and Rethink charities and has a regular blog on the Huffington Post.
He is divorced and now remarried, between them they have five children, two cats and a dog.
Website ~
Twitter ~ @MJonathanLee
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Nice to hear from the Author’s point of view about the main character. I am just at the point in this book where Ian’s family go away for a few days. Really enjoying it so far.
That’s great to hear Amanda. Thank you for your feedback!! x