Translated Fiction Blog Tour – #Extract from The Homecoming by Anna Enquist | @FMcMAssociates

The Homecoming by Anna Enquist (translated by Eileen J. Stevens) will be published on April 1st with Amazon Crossing. Depicting the life of Elizabeth Cook, wife of explorer James Cook, as she navigates family, love, and duty as an independent woman ahead of her time, it is described as ‘an intimate and sharply observed novel’. The Homecoming, and Karitas by…

#Extract from #ThePatient by Tim Sullivan @TimJRSullivan | #BlogTour with @midaspr | @AriesFiction

I am delighted to be joining the blog tour today for The Patient by Tim Sullivan which was published by Head of Zeus March 3rd. Described as ‘the eagerly awaited third instalment featuring the eccentric and socially awkward, but brilliantly persistent DS George Cross. An outsider himself, having been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Condition, DS…

#DIAMOND by Jessie Keane | #Extract #Blogtour | @realjessiekeane #JessiesGang | @HodderBooks | @ed_pr 

BEHIND EVERY STRONG WOMAN, IS AN EPIC STORY…– DIAMOND Diamond by Jessie Keane is OUT NOW with Hodder and is described as the perfect novel ‘for fans of Martina Cole and Kimberley Chambers, and lovers of ‘Peaky Blinders’…epic historical crime fiction at its most compelling.‘ Today I am joining the blog tour with Midas PR…