Today I join the blog tour for drift stumble fall, a novel by M Jonathan Lee which has just been published by Hideaway Falls.
The author of five novels, M Jonathan Lee is a tireless mental health awareness campaigner, working closely with organisations including Mind, Time to Change and Rethink and blogs regularly for Huffington Post.
Having personally experienced anxiety and depression during his life, Jonathan draws on his experiences to inform his writing.
drift stumble fall is described as a ‘darkly humorous novel is an insightful commentary on the fragility of family life, and a modern fascination with the grass always being greener on the other side.’
I have a signed copy for one lucky winner to giveaway, so please continue reading for details on how to ENTER (Very very easy!!!)

Book Blurb:
Richard feels trapped in his hectic life of commitment and responsibility. From the daily mayhem of having young children, an exhausted wife and pushy in-laws who frequently outstay their welcome, Richard’s existence fills him with panic and resentment. The only place he can escape the dark cloud descending upon him is the bathroom, where he hides for hours on end, door locked, wondering how on earth he can escape.
Often staring out of his window, Richard enviously observes the tranquil life of Bill, his neighbour living in the bungalow across the road. From the outside, Bill’s world appears filled with comfort and peace. Yet underneath the apparent domestic bliss of both lives are lies, secrets, imperfections, sadness and suffering far greater than either could have imagined. Beneath the surface, a family tragedy has left Bill frozen in time and unable to move on. As he waits for a daughter who may never return, Bill watches Richard’s bustling family life and yearns for the joy it brings. As the two men watch each other from afar, it soon becomes apparent that other people’s lives are not always what they seem.
**UK and Ireland ONLY ~ Closes Midnight Saturday 14th April**

About the Author :
M Jonathan Lee is a Yorkshire-based author and mental health awareness campaigner. He began writing seriously in 2006, shortly after the suicide of his brother, Simon, and his own struggle with anxiety and depression. It took nearly five years for Jonathan to write his first novel,The Radio – a black- comedy which deals with suicide which was shortlisted for the Novel Prize 2012 (for unpublished authors) and subsequently published in 2013.
Jonathan campaigns tirelessly to remove the stigma associated with mental health problems and works closely with various mental health charities including Mind, Time to Change and Rethink, frequently blogs for the Huffington Post and is a regular guest on BBC Radio Sheffield talking about mental health. He regularly speaks in local schools and colleges on writing and mental health and is currently spearheading a local outreach project in which local churches provide assistance to those affected by anxiety and depression. Before writing full-time, Jonathan held a senior position in a FTSE100 company. He lives in Barnsley, Yorkshire, with his second wife, five children, two cats and a dog.
Twitter ~ @MJonathanLee

I love the cover and the blurb is intriguing…
It’s such a striking minimalist cover isn’t it???