I am absolutely delighted to have author Jo Platt with me today.
Jo has just released her latest novel ‘It Was You’ published by Canelo, ‘a fast, funny and touching story of one woman’s journey towards love.’
Jo has kindly written a guest post for me today entitled ~ The ten trickiest things about being an author
I’m sure many of you will empathise…….
1. Convincing your friends that making stuff up for a living is a proper job – just like theirs – and that you are not, therefore, always available to drink tea/go on long walks/hang out in wine bars whenever they have a day off.
2. Resisting the lure of your disbelieving friends/the cake tin/Twitter and actually cracking on with writing.
3. Remembering that although you don’t have to look good for your laptop, it helps to have showered and brushed your hair when the postman knocks.
4. Not laughing out loud, or sobbing, over your own writing when working in the local library or coffee shop.

5. Remembering to pick up your children from school, even if you have just thought of the most brilliant solution to the problem you were having with Chapter 11.
6. Separating fact from fiction. For example, not resenting your husband for being male just because you’ve been writing about a chauvinist all day.
7. Not talking your problems through with Barry the cat, no matter how lonely you are. He neither understands nor cares.
8. Accepting, and not crying over, the fact that your books will not be everybody’s cup of tea.
9. Waking up in the night – and waking your husband up in the night – scrabbling for your phone, so that you can make a note of the idea you’ve just had.
10. Deadlines – and having no clue whether it will take you an hour, or a year, to complete that final chapter.

Book Blurb:
When life falls apart, friendship will keep you together
Alice Waites has been happily single for almost two years.
When her close friends in The Short Book Group gently question her current distinct lack of interest in men, she accepts that maybe it is time to deal with the past and open herself up to new possibilities.
Oh yes, the time has come to go dating again.
However, things soon unravel for Alice as she uncovers the secret heartache and hopes of those around her. And her most surprising discovery is the life-changing truth which she has kept hidden, even from herself…
Perfect for readers of Milly Johnson, Jojo Moyes or Mhairi McFarlane, It Was You is the fast, funny and touching story of one woman’s journey towards love.
“It Was You is published by Canelo price £1.99 as an ebook.”
Purchase Link ~ It Was You
Meet Jo Platt:
Jo Platt was born in Liverpool in 1968 and, via the extremely winding route of rural Wiltshire, London, Seattle and St Albans, is now settled, with a husband and two children, in Bristol.
After studying English at King’s College London, her first paid employment was as a besuited office worker in a large City institution. After ten years in the City, Jo escaped into motherhood and part-time employment, first as an assistant teacher in a Seattle pre-school and, more latterly, as a Bristol-based secretary.
Her second novel, It Was You, has just been published.
Jo is currently working on her third novel.