‘If she’d turned off her phone, instead of listening in, perhaps no one would have died…‘
– Remember My Name

[ About the Book ]
When Cressida Howard catches her entrepreneur husband playing away from home, she hires security expert Brioni O’Brien to get the evidence she needs for a speedy and financially rewarding divorce.
But what Brioni uncovers goes beyond simple infidelity. Because Laurence Howard is also in bed with some very dangerous people.
Bribery and blackmail are the least of his worries as someone comes after the women in his life – someone who is out to destroy Laurence and his empire, whatever the cost. And Cressida and her teenage daughter could soon be collateral damage, if she and Brioni don’t act fast.
[ My Review ]
Remember My Name by Sam Blake was just published January 6th with Corvus and is described as ‘a gripping, unforgettable crime thriller’. Inspired by an experience that Sam Blake had when someone didn’t hang up properly following a phone call, she began to wonder what if one unintentionally overheard something in those few seconds.
‘For Cressida Howard’s husband, Laurence, it’s a conversation with a woman that he really didn’t want his wife to listen in to, and it starts off a chain of events that end in murder’
– Sam Blake
Laurence Howard is a very successful Irish entrepreneur. His company has expanded beyond his wildest dreams providing a very wealthy lifestyle for Laurence and his family. His wife Cressida is a speech therapist and partner in a prosperous private practice and his daughter Emily-Jane is an extremely confident seventeen-year-old, still in school but with her own very personal agenda. Life should be good for the Howard family but Cressida has had concerns about Laurence and his infidelity for some time. He stays out late at so-called work meetings and, when home, he seems distracted, never fully present. When Cressida accidently overhears Laurence on the phone welcoming a woman into his office, something about his tone convinces Cressida that the time has come for her to dig around a little and figure out for herself what is really going on.
Conscious of drawing any unnecessary attention, Cressida contacts a friend who has a sister with experience in cyber security, Brioni O’ Brien, Brioni is only too delighted to assist, after all this is the environment that Brioni thrives in. Hacking into the laptop and sussing out the daily moves of a local business man should be relatively straight-forward. Laurence Howard prides himself on his company’s security levels but, in his own right, he is lax, in his mind he is impenetrable. This is, of course, a sure-fire mistake as Brioni is capable of getting into any device she sets her mind to. Cressida only ever intended to gather sufficient grounds for a beneficial divorce but soon it all becomes very clear that there is something untoward and dangerous going on. Laurence Howard is in deep with some very nasty folk, thinking that he is important and powerful enough to be beyond any danger, but when a body is discovered and threats are made against certain people in his life, Laurence panics.
Brioni immediately reminded me of Kay Scarpetta’s niece, Lucy, in the Patricia Cornwell novels. A feisty, determined tech whizz with a gutsy attitude to life, Brioni works as a software developer, while also studying for an MSc. Her own personal history is alluded to in places, creating an aura of intrigue around her. For those of you who have read High Pressure by Sam Blake, you will already be familiar with Brioni O’ Brien, but if not, it really doesn’t impact the reading experience as her character very much holds her own.
Sam Blake loves to tie in details and personalities from other books, which her regular readers will delight in, providing a real sense of authenticity to the story. It’s almost like these individuals and places really do exist.
Remember My Name has a number of strands running through it, with a wide cast of characters, many not particularly to my liking. The world Laurence Howard inhabits is filled with sinister people that will stop at nothing to achieve success. No price is too high, no life too indispensable when the ultimate prize is in sight.
Remember My Name is a high-concept novel focusing in on the what-if scenario. We are all guilty of uploading our personal preferences online for various reasons but what if this information is collected by someone who does not have our best interests at heart? What if avarice becomes the end-goal? And what if an overheard conversation leads to murder?
A novel packed with multiple twists and turns, secrets, fiery females and murder, Remember My Name is a highly absorbing and twisty tale that will keep every reader entertained and, I expect, looking forward to more from the spunky and vivacious Brioni O’ Brien.

[ Bio ]
Sam Blake is a pseudonym for Vanessa Fox O’Loughlin, the founder of The Inkwell Group publishing consultancy and the hugely popular national writing resources website writing.ie. She is Ireland’s leading literary scout and has assisted many award-winning and bestselling authors to publication. Vanessa has been writing fiction since her husband set sail across the Atlantic for eight weeks and she had an idea for a book.
Twitter – @samblakebooks
Website – https://www.samblakebooks.com/
This is an author I would like to read Mairead. However… there are only two of her titles available on Amazon.ca and they are two of her older ones. I purchased “Little Bones” which I hope to read soon.
Little Bones is a good read Lynne. Hope you enjoy and hopefully more of her books become available to you!