#blogtour #Alice In the Spotlight with @K_L_Loveley @emmamitchellfpr
Today I am joining the blogtour with author K.L. Loveley for her debut novel Alice. I shine the spotlight on K.L. as we find out a little about her.
Today I am joining the blogtour with author K.L. Loveley for her debut novel Alice. I shine the spotlight on K.L. as we find out a little about her.
Today I am delighted to be on tour with Irish writer Jonathan Kaye and his explosive debut ‘After The Affair’. Described as ‘a cleverly-plotted, thrilling page-turner’ I can highly recommend you pick up a copy folks!!!
What a book!! Today I review The American Girl by Irish writer Rachael English. A poignant and captivating story that will steal your heart….
Today I am joined by Harriet Cummings, author of We All Begin As Strangers, who explores the theme of loneliness and shares with us a little about her inspiration for the book.
Today I review Keep Me Safe by Daniela Sacerdoti, ‘a heartwrenching novel of a mother and daughter seeking safe haven on an island called Seal’
I am so excited today to be reviewing ‘In Deep Water’ by Sam Blake. This is Book 2 in the crime fiction series featuring Garda Cat Connolly…
I am delighted to be reviewing the latest novel from Dawn O’ Porter. The Cows is described as ‘Fearlessly frank and funny’, please read on for my thoughts…
So excited to have a chat with writer Tammy Cohen ( aka Rachel Rhys) today. Please do have a read of this wonderful Q & A with such a lovely and such a very interesting person..
Today I’m delighted to join the blog tour with debut author Amanda Reynolds. Amanda very kindly answered all my questions and spoke of her new book Close To Me.
Today I am joining the blogtour with Rachel Amphlett.
Will to Live is the second in the series featuring Detective Sergeant Kay Hunter